Let's UNITE in LOVE to Make A Change and Heal the World

My desire truly is for the ENTIRE MJ Fan Community to become UNITE IN LOVE. There is just too much drama, fighting, attacking, sueing each other, etc. This is so NOT what MJ would want from us. MJ is gone, none of this will bring him back or help anything. NO ONE is a bigger or better fan. NO ONE was closer to him than another. Don't put people who knew him on a pedestal as if they are now MJ. We are ALL equal here. We must spread LOVE and TRUTH.

Jun 5, 2010

Stealing From Michael's Crypt!

I don't like drama and don't usually get involved in all the GROUP drama.  I like to stay neutral to people, issues, and opinions.  BUT I have been hearing over and over again some FACTS about some people and groups.  I feel the need to inform fans of the TRUTH.  I started this blog for that very reason.  Some fans are from around the world and really have NO idea of what really goes on here locally and trust these people and groups with no idea of the truth.  And I don't feel Michael would like what is going and want someone to stand up to them and protect his fans.  I am NOT the only one who feels this way or knows these truths BUT I am the only one for now brave enough to stand UP and fight against these tactics and awful things being done to fans, and in the name of our beloved Michael.  I know I will make enemies in doing this and I accept that because the TRUTH hurts those who are doing these things.  BUT I do this for Michael and his love for his fans, SO with that said here I go.  (Sorry for the length but I must tell the WHOLE TRUTH)

There is regarding a group named "The Official Michael Jackson Fan Club of Southern California" on Facebook.  This group was started when the creator had issues with the ORIGINAL and FIRST and REAL Michael Jackson Fan Club of Southern California which was started and is now ran by Heidi.

The split as I am told is the creator of OMJFSC was an admin on the group and used the group page to ATTACK Karen Faye as she so normally does.  Heidi did NOT like that and removed her as admin.  So she then gets upset and creates HER OWN group "The Official Michael Jackson Fan Club of Southern California."

I don't even know where to begin because so many things have happened but I will just list them as a know them.

First of all they attacked Karen Faye regarding the pictures Karen posted of Michael's crypt that TMZ later STOLE.  The group claims Karen sold them, YET they have yet to show proof.  Since that one and only incident they have made it their mission to ATTACK and threaten Karen and anyone who supported her.  They make up fake twitter accounts just to spread lies.  They also do this to those who do not agree with them or support Karen.  Now I am not a friend of Karen's nor a worker of Karen's.  I have met and had lunch with her but that is besides the point.  This is NOT about Karen BUT the tactics of this group attacking her and others.

Second after posting my last blogs, please read as a reference, I received a message from the creator.  Now I have never talked, tweeted, messaged, or even met other than 5 sec at courthouse before she sent me this message.  So she did not know me.  I have NEVER mentioned her name until now.  I did not ever attack her or tweet about her or anything negative at all on twitter or facebook.  Keep that in mind.  So one day I received this message from her:

Erin Jacobs May 25 at 6:01pm Report


I am writing to you because things have gotten to the point I have no other choice. I have heard over and over that you and others have been attacking MJFSC and now apparently justice4MJ. I understand that not everyone is going to agree with everyone because we all have different opinions so most of the time I just let it go because attacking other fans in the name of Michael Jackson is something I find abhorrent.

I find it contradictory to say you are a fans of Michael Jackson's and then attack and make accusations against others without facts. I assume you are friend with the very people who started these rumor to begin with. I am going to reserve judgment on the matter until I hear back from you.

I don't think you have any idea about the people who you falsely accuse or what they do in the community. I am saying that I personally have not seen the things people are accusing you of but where there is smoke there is fire. I hope you realize one thing..what you do behind your computer screen is anonymous to most but is not secret to Michael.

So hear is my suggestion, if you think you have information or proof about those that you accuse. I would prove it before you say it because you are doing exactly what everyone did to Michael, only now you are doing it to his fans.

I am waiting to hear back from you with your proof and facts before I really get upset. If I hear of one further attack On MJFSC or Justice4MJ who are organizing the event at Forest Lawn on the 25, I will defend my groups in a way that you will not be very happy with. So, as adult woman, we talk this out or I will fiercely defend my groups and fellow MJ fans. Feel free to ask around. I do what I say.

To be honest Jennifer my patience has been pushed to a limit that is not good, so if I seem annoyed I am. I am trying to reserve judgment because I believe in going to people before making accusations, I have no proof of.

So you can get what you need out of that, right?  She accuses me of something admitting she has NO PROOF, then accuses me of attacking HER groups with no proof.  I did NOT attack, read my blogs that is what she is referring to, and whatever I say I DO HAVE PROOF first hand from the people involved.  Then she threatens me? Really? But she is the same one who preaches to be Mike Like and all about Unity and LOVE but where is it in her and HER group?  She is right that what I do behind my computer Michael knows and I am so thankful because I do this FOR him and his fans NOT myself like others.  There is SO much more I could say personally about Erin but I will refrain in order to get my point across but will be more than happy to comment if you should feel the need to ask for further information.
Now to the next issue.  Her group admin stealing from Forest Lawn.  This was all on their facebook page but of coarse has now been deleted.  This is what happened from the actual person who is involved but I have removed names out of respect that she is NOT attacked any further:
Hello fellow Group members;

I am sending this message to inform you all of what has been going on behind the scenes. It was brought to my attention that some letters that my group partner and I took to Forest Lawn on 5/22/10 were stolen and taken to Forest Lawn on June 3rd 2010 by the group that goes on that day.

When we confronted the person who we believe took the letters which is one their group administrators named **********, all hell broke loose. Let me start by saying I personally DO NOT believe any of the other group administrators of that group knew anything about it. This is strictly ********** doing. However, her fellow administrators went on the attack and told her, she is lying , nobody took her letters that she left at the doors because nothing is ever left at the doors, that she didn't even deliver the letters, and what is the big deal anyway as long as the letters got to Michael? I was shocked. I know for a fact that things are left at the doors because everytime I go there things are at the door.The guards do not take things in right away. I couldn't believe their responses. If someone stole letters that they delivered to fans they would be livid and would post about it for days.

To take something from a grave site is deplorable. We posted our photographs of the letter, and the video that I recorded of the letter in question on their group page and they still refuse to admit anything was done wrong. They accused her of being one of Karen Faye's people and removed all her posts and pictures she presented as evidence.

I want to make one thing clear: my friend does not know Karen Faye, I DO!!!!... I have known her for years. We met at Neverland and she was there often when I was visiting Michael so of course I know her. Everyone who knows Karen Faye is not a spy or a bad person. My relationship with her is based on the fact that we both knew Michael Jackson and we miss him very much. That is all. I do not have a negative image of Karen since that is not my experience with her. I do not jump on bandwagons and hate a person just because everyone else does. I go by my personal experience with a person. Nothing more. There are always two sides to every story. Karen was and is always lovely with me. I didn't even know there was turmoil between her and some of the fans until about a month ago or so because I mind my own business....

I want to let you all know that we are now making changes to assure that the theft of our things we take to Michael never happens again. We will film and photograph EVERYTHING that we receive as we always have and we will no longer leave anything at the door. We will hand it to the guards. We never thought anything of leaving things at the doors because who would steal items from the grave site of Michael Jackson right?

You may be wondering how we know it was this ********** person who stole the letters and I will tell you how: The day we dropped off all the items to Michael ********** was there. She approached my friend and tried to exchange phone numbers with her. Then my friend left and two weeks later our letter appeared in their footage from their June 3rd visit. We also asked the person who wrote the letter if she sent that group a copy to take and she said NO. Not to mention my friend structured the stolen letter and added the photograph so it is definitely our letter... What is also interesting is while the group was calling my friend a Karen Faye spy and attacking her( without identifying themselves), ********** was calling my friends cellphone trying to speak with her.. But my question is: why would they delete the whole conversation and the evidence my friend presented on their page?? Why not let their members know what is going on???

My friend confronted them last night at about 10pm so most of their members do not even know about it since they removed the whole exchange. My advice to you all is: be careful who you are following out there. Things are not always as they seem.

So, because of all of this drama I have made changes to the group page as well. Our group is no longer open for anyone to join. It is now closed to new members. In order to join this group now, a person has to request to join. I know there are some people in this group now who are spies for other groups. I have seen things I wrote in private that people are forwarding to other groups. People always tell me things and forward me things that are being said and done in other groups. That is how I found out about the stolen letters. I have deleted several people from this group in the last 24 hours who I felt where here for the wrong reasons.

I do not know who all the spies in this group are yet, but I will find out eventually. I am aware that many of you in this group are members of other Michael Jackson based groups including the one that stole our letters. That does not bother me. You are free to make your own decisions. I just ask if you are not in THIS group for the right reasons, please leave. It is that simple. I did not create this group for negative reason. This group was created to help me heal in losing my friend Michael Jackson. I am not looking to be popular, or known by everyone. I don't have to do that. I knew Michael Jackson personally, so what do I have to prove to anyone??? I just wanted to create a place to share and remember Michael with other people who loved him. That is all. It is not important to me whether you knew Michael or not, I only care about his message.

I don't want any hate or drama towards anyone in this group. If we don''t agree with someone I just ask that we express it respectfully. I have 650 wonderful and unique members in this group who I am so thankful for and I am sending you all this message because you need to be informed about the fact that our letters were stolen.

One other thing: The number one question that I get besides how did I meet Michael is : Why don't you share more information about your relationship with Michael with the group. My answer to that is : Give me some time. It is very hard and painful for me to share the memories right now. It has only been a year. I am not being selfish, I am just not ready. Some things I will never share with anyone.

I am done with my speech now. But I do have one request: I would love to hear from some of the people in this group who I have never heard from or talked to before. That would be great. For the people that I am in contact with frequently I love hearing from you all as well.

Have a great day and thanks for your time. If you have any comments about anything in this message, you know you can always email me.
The End.
Now the person confronted them on THEIR page and they denied it of coarse.  Then one of their admins sent this to the lady whom they stole from:
From: ************** (protected private information)
To: *************** (protected private information)
Sent: Sat, Jun 5, 2010 2:12 pm

Between You and *******
Karlene Taylor June 5 at 1:06pm Report

Thank you for removing yourself from my page as I was about to let you go. You said you don't need to start a group, but you did. You seem a little nuts to me and I don't need nuts around. Buh bye!


Just so happened while writing this as they monitor my twitter account LOL the same person responded to a tweet NOT intended for them and NONE of their business here it is:
This is my tweet on twitter:
ME 2 think of it everyday! Then thr's the drama w/ the local groups hre that r going 2 B @ FL cnt even mourn thr properly!

about an hour ago via Twitter · Comment ·LikeUnlike ·

This is her response which she responded to me on facebook:

******* What is this about?
about an hour ago ·

Do they NOT have a life and something better to do, really?

This group has attacked ALL the good people really fighting for JUSTICE for Michael trying to turn people against the good groups who are REALLY out for Justice.  I could give so many names but choose to keep them out unless of this for the threat of further attacks.  They have also attacked and threatened so many fans.

They go to Forest Lawn on days they know other groups leave stuff for Michael and take pictures and videos and then post it on their facebook page as IF they took it there when they didn't. 

Also, the Forest Lawn workers said the NEW rules are also because of the "group" that comes here on the 3rd, that they leave behind mess and are very loud and disruptive with their music and carrying on.  They go there like its a party! NOW that is what a Forest Lawn worker says!!!  Why are they SO happy there and WHAT is there to party about.  Really this is OUT of control and very dis respective to not only Michael, but his family and children.  It also makes the other fans suffer for their behavior. 

One time some fans were there and it was a mess! They started to clean it up and a member of the group just stood there carrying on and did not do anything to help. 

They ask people to join their group and then when they show up they don't even acknowledge them.  Several different people have told me that.  That they act all nice then they ignore you.  They are a cliques like the movie Mean Girls. 

Then on their Ustream they say they are drama free, yet they talk about kicking Karen Faye's ass!?

They also vandalized Neverland by writing their names and messages all over the wall which there are pictures of on their facebook page.  That is not nice to do to Neverland.  So not cool.

I mean I could really go on and on BUT I won't hoping what I have said is enough.  Because I am NOT here to attack or talk badly about others really I am NOT! BUT with that said I am here to tell the TRUTH, the whole TRUTH for the world to know.  So many fans are from around the world and really have no idea what goes on here in LA!  They think and trust these people and think they are someone what they really aren't.

OH I almost forgot - "The Party Bus!" OMG

This group is also hosting a party bus on June 26th.  Posted the link for PROOF!

First lets talk about the fact they are charging like $110 per person for 60 people per bus.  OK well after doing some research the bus only cost $ 2400 and that is on the HIGH end.  They are providing drinks and snacks, $ 2,200 in drinks and snacks?????? Then on their facebook page they are talking about tequila shots and stripper poles and party on!!!!


A party and at the Santa Maria courthouse where so much pain was for Michael! What are they thinking, really? When there is a rally that same day! Why are they partying when they could be fighting for JUSTICE4MJ isn't that what they have their twitterthons for? PLEASE if you disagree or know different, please really explain that to me!  I am just beside myself at these actions!  So hurt inside that so called fans are doing this.

Then on the 25th some fans as well as myself feel like not even going to Forest Lawn because of all their drama there.  They are hosting an event there that day too then they are going to the Encino Compound to stand in front of Michael's mothers house! Please let the family be and mourn in PEACE.  They love us an our support BUT they also need their space to mourn. 

Where there is division there is NO UNITY! This drama must stop. WE MUST UNITE IN LOVE AS ONE! We don't have to agree with each other but we don't have to fight and attack those who we don't agree with either. We MUST FOCUS on JUSTICE and that goes WAY beyond Conrad Murray. There is a huge battle we have to fight against the CORP people who are REALLY responsible for Michael's murder.

I feel a need to apologize to the family at such behavior and to the fans around the world I am so sorry that this is happening really I am. This is NOT what Michael would want.

These details I have described above is NOT Mike Like and NOT what Michael stood for and NOT what we as fans should be doing OR should be allowing.  This is why I have made the decision to accept attacks and threats to stand up for TRUTH, JUSTICE, and LOVE.  Just as Michael would want and just as he did.  If He can go through ALL that he did, then I can go through this petty childish attacks and threats.  I so this for you Michael and for his wonderful, amazing, incredible, loving, giving, caring, sharing, and so much more fans.  This is for you all across the world.  To show you I am here for you.  Little ole me here in LA, here for you for anything anytime.  You can count on me for truth, honesty, and LOVE - unconditional LOVE.

Off the subject but felling lead to say this.  I am truly 100% a better person today because of Michael! He has changed my whole entire life upside down.  As I cry typing this, he has made me want to be a better person for the world.  He has made me want to carry on his legacy of Healing the World and Making it  A Better Place! REALLY he has.  He has made me a more loving and caring person.  I am more considerate and kind.  More thoughtful and giving.  He REALLY has made me care for Planet Earth so very much.  I try, but will never, to fill his shoes.  To just do what I can do to help the world!  And I am so very grateful to him for that and am honored to have lived in his lifetime and experienced ALL that he did and overcame.  Thank you GOD for giving us yet another ANGEL.  Michael was as close to Jesus as a man can be.  I am a christian and I did NOT say he was Jesus, I said as close to Jesus as one could be.  Compare Michael's life to Jesus!  Very similar you would have to say!  And the world did to Michael and they did to Jesus!  God forgive us and help us!

Sorry you had to hear all of that but it is so necessary and I thank you for reading.  If you should have any further questions feel free to ask.  Please spread the TRUTH and let others know so we can stop this division of fans and for once and for all UNITE IN LOVE AS ONE for JUSTICE FOR MICHAEL!


  1. @Kitty

    Why do use such foul language?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Sorry but all posts including foul language, hate, or negativity will be deleted. Please feel free to ask questions, normal comments, or proof of anything I am saying is wrong. Thanks.

  4. One of their members whose name I refuse to put in order for her to get attacked and hated on but wanted to share messages I get other places than here:

    Hi Jennifer, Thank you for your confidence. I have discussed what happened with my true friends who were unknowingly sucked into her plans. I can't understand her motives. It makes no sense unless it is about money. I am not sure **** knows all that happened since she wasn't there and I have never talked to her about it but ***** is a sweetheart. I believe she was also at the "seance" / "card reading" unwittingly pulled into it from what I heard. Although I have not personally talked to her either. I have chosen to stay silent for now. Thank you for speaking out. Thank God someone is. It is hard to speak out because just like with Michael the media always twisted everything he said and did.... that is what happens with this group. They are EVERYTHING MJ hated about the media and the press. Yet they claim to be long time MJ fans. I just truly don't get it. IF you really know who MJ was and love him how can you treat him, his fans, his friends this way? Then twist it to try to make look like those very same ppl are the ones disrespecting him. It is insane. Maybe that is the answer... they are just nuts. LOL
    LOVE *********

  5. LOL! So the reason you have no comments on your comments at all is bec you deleted all of tem?

  6. hmmm, after reading everything here, seems like you and me have alot of same opinions..... I too have questioned the Neverland trip on June 26, the huge fan meetup, dove release, bus to Enicio on June 25. I too have clashed with miss Erin many times on the forum on michaeljackson.com , many fans I know in real life also agree on many of your points, things like the 3rd of the month "fan parties" , selling of tshirts. I have heard fans even say that the only reason they dont want to go to Forest Lawn on June 25 is cos of MJFSC being there...
    my twitter http://twitter.com/dmoonstreet
    my blog http://dmoonstreet.blogspot.com/

  7. First of all Michael's resting place is just that. Respect and decency should be shown at all times. He would never disrespect someone's grave. There are other people there that deserve respect.
    Secondly, Karen Faye had no right to post those pics. Of course once something goes online it can be copied and I don't get how she didn't see that.
    Hopefully, there will be a truce and the real focus here which I hope is Michael will be acheived.

  8. Just to clarify I MYSELF never said Annoinette took the letter. SOMEONE else is saying that I ONLY posted HER letter. I am NOT attacking anyone really I am not only bringing it to the light. BUT there has been no answers or proof on the other end.

  9. I would like to see a proper breakdown of the costs for the bus trip.There seems to be confusion out there...

    Secondly on the pics.

    I fully understand why Karen posted them and I am convinced she did NOT sell them!
    People need to leave this saga where it is,In the past!

  10. OMJFSC not content with stealing from the crypt which they clearly did. NOW they are been taking photos of ALL the gifts and cards left by hundreds of other fans claiming them to be from their group. As we know this group goes on the 3rd of each month
    Now they stop by on the 9th http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=18967&id=116237815065134 to take snaps,

    3rd it looks like they didnt have many gifts:

    Read the comment here,http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=17044&id=116237815065134
    "Did you receive from fans in Finland", see reply then NO reply
    so now they are clearly taking photos of cards delivered by the ORIGINAL MJFSC run by HEIDI, by original i mean the first group the one Erin caused division and hate the one she was kicked off from for HATING MJ fans!!!

    Well our small group that was there in la the whole week..went to holmbly hills and stayed a while..we made a heart shaped candle lite vigil with "MJ" written in candles on the ground by the gate. Apparently after we left..erin and her "followers" showed up and took pictures with it (it was still buring) she posted it up on fb and myspace and claimed they thought it up and did it as a honor to michael. I couldn't believe it..the word got out all over both fb and myspace..and when we told everyone WE did it we were called liars and "erin would never lie or steal someones idea" by the other fans..this mostly happened on myspace my friend ????????? (she's on fb and one of ur friends) was dealin with the hate of people shooting us down about it. We had video and pictures that OUR group did this for michael for love..it just hurt a little u know that another fan would do that. But because of the number of people erin had following her..no one who wasn't our friends would believe us..in the end it doesn't matter cause michael knows we did it for him..but yea..not really that big a deal I guess..I just hear that she does this all the time to small group of fans and I'm sick of common people like me and others being victimized by her lies and deception *she pretends to be sweet and contrite and ur friend than does shit like that..she's just devilish.. AS MICHAEL WOULD SAY:
    now she took the picture down of our candle light vigil after she found out we had proof (video and she didnt)


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