Let's UNITE in LOVE to Make A Change and Heal the World

My desire truly is for the ENTIRE MJ Fan Community to become UNITE IN LOVE. There is just too much drama, fighting, attacking, sueing each other, etc. This is so NOT what MJ would want from us. MJ is gone, none of this will bring him back or help anything. NO ONE is a bigger or better fan. NO ONE was closer to him than another. Don't put people who knew him on a pedestal as if they are now MJ. We are ALL equal here. We must spread LOVE and TRUTH.

Jun 11, 2010

Back to Focus of Justice for Michael

Here is where I am at in all of this childish drama:

First I still never got answers to MOST of my questions.  Like receipts for all monies they have received.  They don't even talk about it, they are only focused on one topic and of coarse creating more drama.  Where is proof of donating to AIDS?  Who is talking to TMZ on the behalf of fans?

Second I have been attacked and even threatened.  Even if I am wrong is that right?  I have not attacked, merely brought out truth for fans to find out for themselves, which many are doing.  I don't like to mention because I would  not want them to be attacked as I was.

Thirdly, many ask why I don't post some of their supporters comments? You should ask THEM the same.  Everything even my apology on their page was DELETED immediately.  So ask them WHY too?  It takes a woman of real character to go on their page full of attacks and post that apology. 
I am happy that I at least got fans thinking and searching for the truth themselves.  And I thank all of those who have supported me in doing this.  After June 25th there will be a lot of changes in that group as well.

Someone sent me this on twitter and its just so fitting:  Funny how some people assume they know exactly what's in another persons heart when they've never even had ONE real conversation with them.

These people attacking me have never met me so how do they know my heart?  Again to clarify I never attacked anyone just mentioned some things going on so fans were aware and could research for themselves.

I will say I am taking a break from all of this for the fact that it is taking people away from their focus of Justice for Michael.  I am very dedicated to this effort and need to focus all my time to this effort as well as two other Michael related projects I am involved in.  But I will always stand for TRUTH.

But many things are still being investigated by others and these issues will NOT just go away.

They keep attacking and threatening me.  Then go preach to be Mike Like.

So for now my focus will be on Justice for Michael and my other projects.  But if anyone should need any further details I am always here for you to seek the truth.

Much LOVE always.


  1. hello , im not a part of anygroup yours or the facebook group you are complaining about but this kind of infighting needs to stop it is not in keeping with the michael jackson legacy . just know he loved us all and just love him in you own way and be a adult and move on.

  2. Jennifer...after an inquiry was made to APLA, I received an email back from them on 6/12/10 stating that they have NOT received ANY donations from Erin, her business partner, or their company who CLEARLY advertised to the purchasing fans, that a percentage of the money they collected would be donated to APLA because it was one of MJ's favorite charities. Per APLA, when they talked to Erin, she told them that MJ's PR company had sent her a cease and desist notice about the original t-shirts. I suppose this is why she has recently changed the design, so she could continue selling them and pulling in money from the fans, be it through t-shirts..or her "tour" plans, or by collecting a commission by "helping" some fans make travel arrangements through her own personal online travel agency. Hmmmm..seems like she's covered all the bases since Michael died huh? This is her income..how she makes her money. It definitely works to her advantage monetarily it seems, to keep the fans in an uproar..shouting, tweeting about justice, or Brown or Cooley, etc. More sales to "support" her cause right?

    APLA stated at the end of the email that they have NO connection to Erin's "company" at this point, and they don't anticipate having one in the future. I personally find all of this astoundingly hypocritical of her. I mean, am I wrong or hasn't it been her screaming at the top of her lungs about the vultures that have made a living, or even a single paycheck off of Michael's name after his passing? Isn't that what she's been going after KF for? For "allegedly" selling a picture of MJ's crypt and not respecting his privacy? (Even though she allowed Lisa Burke to post her groups pics, and video taken through the mausoleum door?) Well, enough said I think. I believe the picture is crystal clear. She may have started out with the best of intentions, but honestly, at the end of the day, I think she's lost her integrity where our dear sweet Michael is concerned and I feel she has clearly forgotten his message. What a shame.

  3. http://erinjacobs.weebly.com/

    They are terrorizing other fans again, defacing NEVERLAND AND FOREST LAWN!!! Erin goes by fake name mjjthirdwife which was written at Forest Lawn in BIG writing, SICK!!! SICK!!!


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