Let's UNITE in LOVE to Make A Change and Heal the World

My desire truly is for the ENTIRE MJ Fan Community to become UNITE IN LOVE. There is just too much drama, fighting, attacking, sueing each other, etc. This is so NOT what MJ would want from us. MJ is gone, none of this will bring him back or help anything. NO ONE is a bigger or better fan. NO ONE was closer to him than another. Don't put people who knew him on a pedestal as if they are now MJ. We are ALL equal here. We must spread LOVE and TRUTH.

Jun 6, 2010


I have always stated I will NOT say something UNLESS I KNOW for a FACT it is TRUE and I have PROOF!

So this blog is to just to show my proof.  I am only informing fans NOT attacking and playing immature games of name calling with NO merit.  Please people be wise don't be naive.  DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! Look at my Facebook Page and Twitter and find where I have EVER ATTACKED or LIED or called names!  Then check those who are accusing me and see what their tweets are.  Childish name calling and HATRED!  If I am wrong PROVE me wrong don't just run your mouth back it up.  I AM! 

There IS a difference between HATE and TRUTH!  All my words, blogs, tweets, etc. are TRUTH NOT HATE! They keep accusing me of dividing fans, NO they are.  That is WHY I am telling the TRUTH so it can stop.  BUT unfortunately  most their followers especially the ones attacking me are from OUT of state and have NO idea what is REALLY going on here.  Who is doing the attacking, really, sit back and think about.  Personally attacks about medication come on now that is sad to have nothing else to say to me than THAT.  I actually feel sorry for them all.

Here we go!

1.  I am not a friend of Karen.  Just because I had lunch with her doesn't mean we are FRIENDS.  She had lunch with several fans, NOT just me.  This is NOT about Karen and she has NOTHING to do with it so leave her out.  I am NOT a "Karen person."  You already beat that dead horse, move on already.

2.  I only spoke truth and NEVER called names or used foul language or made personal attacks so WHY do they.  I could have stepped down to their level and said alot worse and mean things BUT NO that is NOT my purpose.

3.  If they have nothing to hide then why did they delete the whole incident from their facebook page.

Here is proof the incident was deleted, this came from their facebook page:

Pricilla Jackson-Smith
I was online the night Mona came to your page and asked her question... it was a legitamate question. She posted the pictures and video of her delivering the letter you redelivered on your trip. You never explained to her how that happened, and deleted all of her pictures and questions, and your responses. She never said she would report ... See MoreAntoinette, another fan did. All she wanted was to know how your group had a letter she delivered in a book delivered to MJ weeks ago, and the only connection to the book was Antoinette because she was sitting there when she left. I have looked at her photos and video, and you do have her letter. I was online watching it unfold, waiting for a logical explanation, but one never came. I have quietly sat by and watched drama unfold on this page, but no more. I will not be one of your blind followers just waiting for the drama to stop. I don't need it. I have studied the evidence for myself, and I choose not to be part of this page. MY CHOICE. I do not know any of those other ladies... I do not need the drama caused by this group.

Here is Erin's response to the above question:

The Official Michael Jackson Fans of Southern California

You would have to ask the people who set the whole thing in action. Those items were there when we arrived and everyone knows we go on the 3rd. So they people who brought them the first time, need to answer how they got back..Think about this..do you think we spend money from our own pockets to provide a P.O. Box for the fans to be able to have ... See Morestuff sent to Michael, so we could steal it to bring it back..People need to start using their heads and really look at this objectively..There is something going on here and I wish people would just see it. The only people we have problems with in this entire community are the Karen Faye people...Ever wonder why? I guess me asking her not to discuss Michael in the morgue is my big crime..that is private and should not be shared. He would have been hurt. So, ever since they day I told Mrs. Jackson that she was tweeting these things..the attack has been on. Well I am glad I told Mrs. Jackson, I am glad Karen erased her tweets and I would do it all over again..so sue me..I will protect Michael always. No matter who likes it or doesn't.-Erin

Here is Priscilla's response to Erin's response to her question:

Pricilla Jackson-Smith

That response makes ablolutely no sense, again. I am thinking about it... I have been for a couple of days. It's sad and sick really. And to ROBBIE.... really? It does not matter if the items taken to Michael are taken by others because he can't read them anyway... really? You need to think about what your saying because if that is what you ... See Morerealy think... wow. You're sick. It was not lost or misplaced, it was redelivered with this groups items and the girl wanted to know how. That's all... and she never got a reply. She was just dismissed as a loon and the evidence was deleted. And Stacee, I saw your comment that the point was that it was delivered... sick.

Here is the PROOF: Video on May 22nd when the original person left it.
Here is the footage from 5/22/10 of the letter that was stolen by Annoinette. you will see the letter in the first 2 minutes of the video.

Here is the SAME letter on June 3rd.
The letter at the 1:31 mark is the letter that was stolen. They took this letter to Forest Lawn for Sandi on 5/22/2010...... This video was filmed on June 3rd 2010..

NOW this was NOT directed at Erin, Stacey, or any of the others who are attacking me, the previous blog specifically said it was Anntoniette who took the letter.  Why isn't she defending herself.  She is saying nothing.  It is all the rest of the group fighting.  In case you forgot here is the message from the group who took the letter:
Hello fellow Group members;
I am sending this message to inform you all of what has been going on behind the scenes. It was brought to my attention that some letters that my group partner Mona and I took to Forest Lawn on 5/22/10 were stolen and taken to Forest Lawn on June 3rd 2010 by the group that goes on that day.

When Mona confronted the person who we believe took the letters which is one their group administrators named Anntoniette, all hell broke loose. Let me start by saying I personally DO NOT believe any of the other group administratos of that group knew anything about it. This is strictly Annoniette's doing. However, her fellow administrators went on the attack and told Mona she is lying , nobody took her letters that she left at the doors because nothing is ever left at the doors, that she didn't even deliver the letters, and what is the big deal anyway as long as the letters got to Michael? I was shocked. I know for a fact that things are left at the doors because everytime I go there things are at the door.The guards do not take things in right away. I couldn't believe their repsonses. If someone stole letters that they delivered to fans they would be livid and would post about it for days.

To take something from a gravesite is deplorable. Mona posted our photographs of the letter, and the video that I recorded of the letter in question on their group page and they still refuse to admit anything was done wrong. They accused her of being one of Karen Faye's people and removed all her posts and pictures she presented as evidence.

I want to make one thing clear: Mona does not know Karen Faye, I DO!!!!... I have known her for years. We met at Neverland and she was there often when I was visiting Michael so of course I know her. Everyone who knows Karen Faye is not a spy or a bad person. My relationship with her is based on the fact that we both knew Michael Jackson and we miss him very much. That is all. I do not have a negative image of Karen since that is not my experience with her. I do not jump on bandwagons and hate a person just because everyone else does. I go by my personal experience with a person. Nothing more. There are always two sides to every story. Karen was and is always lovely with me. I didn't even know there was turmoil between her and some of the fans until about a month ago or so because I mind my own business....

I want to let you all know that we are now making changes to assure that the theft of our things we take to Michael never happens again. We will film and photograph EVERYTHING that we receive as we always have and we will no longer leave anything at the door. We will hand it to the guards. We never thought anything of leaving things at the doors because who would steal items from the gravesite of Michael Jackson right?

You may be wondering how we know it was this Anntonitte person who stole the letters and I will tell you how: The day we dropped off all the items to Michael Anntoniette was there. She approached Mona and tried to recruit her to join their group. She then looked at the book of letters Mona placed at the door. She even exchanged phone numbers with Mona. Then Mona left and two weeks later our letter appeared in their footage from their June 3rd visit. We also asked the person who wrote the letter if she sent that group a copy to take and she said NO. Not to mention Mona structured the stolen letter and added the photgraph so it is definitely our letter... What is also interesting is while the group was calling Mona a Karen Faye spy and attacking her( without identifying themselves), Anntoinette was calling Mona's cellphone trying to speak with her.. But my question is: why would they delete the whole conversation and the evidence Mona presented on their page?? Why not let their members know what is going on???

Mona confronted them last night at about 10pm so most of their members do not even know about it since they removed the whole exchange. My advice to you all is: be careful who you are following out there. Things are not always as they seem.

So, because of all of this drama I have made changes to the group page as well. Our group is no longer open for anyone to join. It is now closed to new members. In order to join this group now, a person has to request to join. I know there are some people in this group now who are spies for other groups. I have seen things I wrote in private that people are forwarding to other groups. People always tell me things and forward me things that are being said and done in other groups. That is how I found out about the stolen letters. I have deleted several people from this group in the last 24 hours who I felt where here for the wrong reasons.

I do not know who all the spies in this group are yet, but I will find out eventually. I am aware that many of you in this group are members of other Michael jackson based groups including the one that stole our letters. That does not bother me. You are free to make your own decisions. I just ask if you are not in THIS group for the right reasons, please leave. It is that simple. I did not create this group for negative reason. This group was created to help me heal in losing my friend Michael Jackson. I am not looking to be popular, or known by everyone. I don't have to do that. I knew Michael Jackson personally, so what do I have to prove to anyone??? I just wanted to create a place to share and remember Michael with other people who loved him. That is all. It is not important to me whether you knew Michael or not, I only care about his message.

I don't want any hate or drama towards anyone in this group. If we don''t agree with someone I just ask that we express it respectfully. I have 650 wonderful and unique members in this group who I am so thankful for and I am sending you all this message because you need to be informed about the fact that our letters were stolen.

One other thing: The number one question that I get besides how did I meet Michael is : Why don't you share more information about your relationship with Michael with the group. My answer to that is : Give me some time. It is very hard and painful for me to share the memories right now. It has only been a year. I am not being selfish, I am just not ready. Some things I will never share with anyone.

I am done with my speech now. But I do have one request: I would love to hear from some of the people in this group who I have never heard from or talked to before. That would be great. For the people that I am in contact with frequently I love hearing from you all as well.

Have a great day and thanks for your time. If you have any comments about anything in this message, you know you can always email me.
4. Erin denies sending me the letter I posted before here is proof for that:
I will NOT deal with this anymore UNLESS further proof is needed.  I said what I have to say NOW it is up to everyone to do their OWN reserach and find the TRUTH for themselves.  If I am wrong prove it and I will post it. 
NOW I am changing my focus BACK to the REAL issue at hand: JUSTICE FOR MICHAEL!  NO further time needs to be wasted on this.
Thanks for reading and please really do go your own investigation.  Much LOVE really.  Thanks for all the support I have received and I respect your privacy and NO DM or PM will be shared.

"Lies run sprints, TRUTH run marathons!" Michael Jackson


  1. Of coarse after my blog they further attacked poor Pricilla. I am so sorry you had to experience this Pricilla and I did not mean to cause you further attacks. Your post was public on their facebook page. BUT of coarse after this they attacked her, deleted her posts, but left theirs blocking Pricilla. Here is proof:

    The Official Michael Jackson Fans of Southern California
    I thought you were leaving. Since you didn't we will now block you. Do not come on to a page run by wonderful people and attack them or call them sick. These fans our our family..and when you attack one you attack us all.

  2. Hi Jennifer, I'm jumping in here because I was the person who documented the items at Holly Terrace on 6/3.

    Background: Since December I've been photographing everything at Holly Terrace on the 3rd of each month, and I also create a companion video for my blog at GraveHunting.com and to share with both MJFSC and OMJFSC. This month was no exception and it's my video you have a link to on this post.

    That said, I can tell you that I arrived at Holly Terrace on 6/3 at 4:30pm, took photos, said hellos then left about an hour later to take photographs elsewhere in the cemetery.

    I don't know how the letter got there, only that it was already placed when I arrived, along with all the other items. There were about 25 people at Holly Terrace when I was there and Antoinette was not among them, that I saw.

    Here is a link to the photo I took of the letter, which is included in a public album with all my other images from that afternoon:


    Because I regularly document the 3rd and share with the world, I'm a bit confused as to why an item that logically shouldn't have been there, was, for the world to see. That part doesn't make sense to me and remains an unanswered question.

    Again, I don't know how the letter got there because I wasn't at Holly Terrace to see the items placed and arranged. I usually am there earlier, but that day I had a prior meeting with FL security regarding another story for my blog so arrived later than usual.

    Because my materials are involved, and I can see from the 5/22 video that the letters in each video indeed appear identical (including the plastic page protector the letter is in) I wanted to add what little I know.

  3. Here is a message from one of their memebers I **** out names for their protection.

    Hi Jennifer, Thank you for your confidence. I have discussed what happened with my true friends who were unknowingly sucked into her plans. I can't understand her motives. It makes no sense unless it is about money. I am not sure ***** knows all that happened since she wasn't there and I have never talked to her about it but ****** is a sweetheart. I believe she was also at the "seance" / "card reading" unwittingly pulled into it from what I heard. Although I have not personally talked to her either. I have chosen to stay silent for now. Thank you for speaking out. Thank God someone is. It is hard to speak out because just like with Michael the media always twisted everything he said and did.... that is what happens with this group. They are EVERYTHING MJ hated about the media and the press. Yet they claim to be long time MJ fans. I just truly don't get it. IF you really know who MJ was and love him how can you treat him, his fans, his friends this way? Then twist it to try to make look like those very same ppl are the ones disrespecting him. It is insane. Maybe that is the answer... they are just nuts. LOL
    LOVE *******

  4. I would like to make a kind suggestion and that being that you all try to but aside some of this. Tehre are misunderstandings and hurt feelings.
    But try to come to some sort of an arrangement.
    Too much is going on that's crucial for this sort of thing.

  5. Well the truth is I belong to the fan community becaue of my love for Michael. I do love fellow MJ fans and though I don't know Karen or Erin personnally, I must say I feel love both of them as well. I don't always agree with what they say at times or how they deal with eachother but at the same time I feel their hearts are in the right place and besides no one is perfect. In my opinion everyone whether they be Karen and her supporters or Erin and her supporters that is involved in this could benefit from looking in the mirror and making that change. I really hope people move on from this at some point, and like you said Jennifer, do their own research and decide for themselves what to believe and who they are going to support if they only are going to support one of the other. I still choose to support both of them which I realize puts me in a unique situation.

    It's good to have different opinions and different perspectives, it's what keeps everyone grounded, group think is dangerous. I see the collective group of MJ fans as an intelligent bunch who can think for themselves and will hopefully (like you said) unite in love, atleast in their love for Michael, if for no other reason. God bless you and the MJfam.

  6. Well the truth is I belong to the fan community becaue of my love for Michael. I do love fellow MJ fans and though I don't know Karen or Erin personally, I must say I feel love both of them as well. I don't always agree with they say at times or how they deal with each other and each others supporters but I think their hearts are in the right place and I recognize that no one is perfect. I think everyone involved in this whether they be Karen and her supporters or Erin and her supporters could look in the mirror and make that change. I really hope people move on from this at some point, and like you said Jennifer, do their own research and decide for themselves what to believe and who they are going to support if they only are going to support one or the other. I still choose to support both of them which I realize puts me in a unique position.

    It's good to have different opinions and different perspectives, it's what keeps everyone grounded because we all too well that group think is dangerous. We will never be like the brainwashed spectators of the tabloid and mainstream media during MJ's persecution, none of us will accept rumors or speculation as fact without doing our own research. That I belive is a good thing about us and it's what is going to get us through the upcoming Murray trial. We won't just accept what the media throws at us at face value and we will all need each others support at that time. I see the collective group of MJ fans as an intelligent bunch who can think for themselves and will hopefully (like you said) unite in love, atleast in their love for Michael, if for no other reason. God bless you and the MJFam.

  7. "I am not very happy about all the fan drama. Have you seen Hulya's tweets? If she has a problem with Taaj why is she not talking to her one on one? I have the feeling that a personal problem inflated into a collective one. Not happy - all the bashing. This is not Mike-Like. This has gotten out of hand. Just have a look at twitter, type in "Taaj2001" in the search bar - THIS IS CYBERHARASSMENT.

    Samantha handled this with much more dignity than Erin and her associates, although Erin attacked Sam and others calling them "bitches" and pointing at Sam yelling at her "You're next". Is that nice?

    I heard from someone who witnessed the situation that the "Maria-situation" had a pre-history. On previous court dates Maria provoked Sammy and yelled/called at Sammy "you crazy stalker" "you are crazy" Certain people were feeding Maria these ideas about Samantha and using her to say their thoughts about Samantha. They used this poor girl to say these evil things to Samantha, and then used her to provoke Samantha. Well, and then out of a sudden Maria who insulted Sammy approached her to say "Hi nice to see you here" - of course Sammy said directly what she thought, because that is just the way she is, given the history of their encounters, she said that she is a fake.

    Wouldn't anyone think so, too?

    Erin created a whole drama around this now and using this to create a much deeper divide between fans by asking people to take sides and stand up against Samantha and Taaj. Has this anything to do with Michael?

    I doubt it."


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